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#FemNews Weekly Roundup Vol. 14

For all those badasses trying to catch up on the headlines, here are a few highlights from the past week. As always, join in the conversation using #TheFemWord and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. #FemNews

1. A new study by Australian researchers has once-and-for-all shattered the myth that girls' brains just aren't made for STEM (that's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). In fact, data shows girls outperform boys in high school STEM subjects. Sadly, the message that women and girls are biologically less capable than men and boys is one we hear all too often. Here's to debunking the archaic gender myths society seems intent on reinforcing -- get thee to a laboratory!

2. If you’ve ever seen a Technicolor film (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, The Wizard of Oz, the OG A Star Is Born), you have badass Natalie Kalmus to thank. Kalmus believed in the power of Technicolor to revolutionize the film industry and even to turn cinema into a form of art. This fabulous essay in BUST follows Kalmus and her work as she battled the boys’ club of Hollywood and became the reason why color cinema even exists today.

3. These badass women are born to rock. A new study from guitar manufacturer Fender reveals that half -- that's 50 percent -- of amateur guitar players in the U.S. and U.K. are female. This discovery is one of a series of findings that have led Fender to reconsider its marketing strategy and begin forming relationships with female artists and highlighting women in advertising campaigns to better appeal to the half of their audience they previously had ignored.

4. What bothers you? That’s the question badass duo Julia Haried and Elizabeth Engele set out to answer when they founded MakerGirl, a mission-driven nonprofit program that inspires girls to explore their passions for STEM through 3D printing sessions. In the sessions, girls are encouraged to combine creativity with tech savvy and are given the life-changing chance to interact with cutting-edge technologies while learning about innovative female leaders. Can we join?

And finally… congratulations to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry! This week, Kensington Palace released a statement announcing the Duchess and Duke of Sussex are expecting a baby in the spring of 2019. We are thrilled for the couple and can’t wait to see how much of a badass feminist their child will be!

Header image via Unsplash

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