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#FemNews Weekly Roundup Vol. 11

For all those badasses trying to catch up on the headlines, here are a few highlights from the past week. As always, join in the conversation using #TheFemWord and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. #FemNews

Hey, badasses. We just wanted to say… it’s been a week.

Many of us are grappling with hurt and anger over events in the news. We’re feeling triggered and exhausted… but we also are hopeful. If anything, we’ve been shown there are heroes like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford who will stand up against a society that would rather they stay silent. We honor her courage to face the fray and tell her story as a survivor. Dr. Ford, your bravery has inspired thousands (if not more) of survivors of sexual abuse, assault, and violence to come forward with their own stories.

Thank you, Dr. Ford.

Thank you, Dr. Anita Hill.

We believe you.

1. This week, Bill Cosby was sentenced to three to ten years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand. Nine other women who came forward with accusations of sexual abuse against Cosby stood with Constand at the courthouse to see justice finally done. #AboutDamnTime

2. When she was ten, Sonita Alizadeh’s parents first considered selling her into marriage. Today, Sonita is a badass “raptivist” (rapper + activist) who uses her experience to spread awareness about (and one day end) the practice of child marriage. This past week, Sonita debuted her new song “Brave and Bold” at Mashable’s Social Good Summit 2018.

“I am inspired by what I see people endure and how I see them rise. Music is my tool to share this.” - Sonita Alizadeh

Sonita grabbed the world’s attention when the music video for her song “Daughters for Sale” went viral.

3. In secluded villages in western Greece, the Pomak people are witnessing the beginnings of a social revolution as some badass women begin to cast aside traditional gender roles while preserving their unique cultural identity.

“If you fight, if you're educated, then you can be an independent woman… You can be an independent human being.” - Emine Bourountzi

4. In the wake of the news that Versace has been sold to Michael Kors, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the boss chief designer behind the label: Donatella Versace. After her brother’s untimely death in 1997, Versace worked to turn the brand into a global powerhouse and a paragon in the fashion world. We tip our hats to this badass woman of both business and glamour.

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