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#FemNews Weekly Roundup Vol. 15

Protestors stand outside the White House holding the transgender flag and a poster that says #enough.
Image credit: UPI/Barcroft Images

For all those badasses trying to catch up on the headlines, here are a few highlights from the past week. As always, join in the conversation using #TheFemWord and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. #FemNews

1. After years of fighting for justice and to be heard, the badass women of India's #MeToo movement finally are beginning to see the cracks in the thick glass ceiling. Thanks to social media, a growing global platform, and the incredible courage of survivors and activists alike, the movement against sexual harassment already has led to public outcry against abusers and conversations about consent and gender equality. From celebrities and comedians to ordinary people, survivors of all genders and circumstances are coming together in a show of solidarity because enough is enough. India, we support you. #MeTooIndia

"All these women were waiting to tell their stories, waiting to be heard, to be seen, to feel like a human being." - Mahima Kukreja (via Vox)

2. This week, we learned the Trump administration is considering literally erasing 'transgender' from existence by narrowly defining gender as a "biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth." This move would be the most extreme of the current administration's flagrant attacks against the LGBTQIA+ community and is especially anguishing for the estimated 1.4 million Americans who identify as transgender and must face scrutiny of their very being every day. We at The Fem Word would like to say the following: #TransPeopleWontBeErased, #TransRightsAreHumanRights, and #TransIsBeautiful. We will fight for you.

3. Nearly 300,000 women will develop ovarian cancer this year alone, but a new study by the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition finds that patients generally are in the dark about the disease. From recognizing key symptoms to getting an accurate and early diagnosis, respondents’ answers are helping us understand the global scope of the knowledge gap surrounding this persistent and devastating cancer. Fight on, badasses.

A woman in silhouette looks to the left with sunglasses on her head.

4. The badass nominees for the first MTV EMA (Europe Music Awards) Generation Change Award include Sonita Alizadeh, an artist and activist using her rap music to end child marriage; Hauwa Ojeifo, founder of She Writes Women, Nigeria’s first 24/7 mental health crisis hotline and first anonymous, women-only mental health support group; Ellen Jones, creator of the Youtube series “Queeries” and campaigner for LGBTQ+ rights, disability, and mental health; and more incredible, young change-makers striving to make a difference in the world. The winner will be announced during the MTV EMAs, airing Sunday, November 4th.

Finally, we are saddened by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's announcement that she has been diagnosed with dementia and will be withdrawing from public life. O'Connor made history as the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court in 1981. Since her retirement from the court in 2006, she has continued to be an advocate for teaching civics to students. Sandra, you helped break down barriers for women in the legal profession. Thank you for being a badass.

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is sworn in.
Credit: Getty Images

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